
I Am a mother, a self-made entrepreneur, and a cultural activist. I've always

wanted to make everyone and everything look and feel wonderful since I was a little girl. When I pick up a make-up brush and unveil a person's beauty, my light shines brightest. Not to imply that how someone looks is an issue; I do what I do to help people feel confident and pleased about themselves, and when they are happy, they are happiest

After graduating from hair and beauty school in early 2016, I felt compelled to open Zobe Salon to put my skills to the test. as well as to make women attractive.

It's a lot of fun to play around with makeup. And using the appropriate makeup at the appropriate time might make us feel even better about ourselves.

When it comes to serving face, we've got you covered. If you're a makeup addict, you've come to the right place. zobe salon is your one-stop shop for all things beautiful.

We are currently based in Kenya's Ukunda Kwale county. I've done a lot since I started, and I've also dabbled in traditional  makeup stylist.


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